Ooh, and I have things under the tree as well, things I dont know about! Things I didn't wrap! It is so cute too because you can tell which are from him.... the latest addition is an average sized box...with literally 1/2 a roll of paper on it... its sloppy but its mine and i love it haha (i meant the gift, although this statement would fit for hubby too)
This weekend I think we are making batch number 2 of christmas cookies...the others were all gone before we had a chance to frost them....so thats not good lol.....or its great depending on how you look at it! As of now, we have 1 container with 1/2 a bell cookie in it, and 4 containers of homemade colorful frosting..yea im thinking more cookies are in order!
Ny mama usually makes pizzelles to send as gifts...and the damn machine / iron thingie broke....so now we are waiting for a new one in the mail...its just not gonna happen this year i guess! Sucky!!! I have to say though, im proud, she only got pissy about it for that 1 day.... that would have ruined atleast a good week or 2 for me..lol!
Well, Im off to attempt to finish hubby's gifts at...dun dun duhhhh WALLY WORLD! I fricken hate wally world....but its 10000 times better than the mall (i dont even like saying or typing that word) eeewwwwww! If you dont have clostrophobia issues...go to a mall this time of year..,.you will! In fact I get skeeved out every time i go there..no matter what time of year it is. The parking blows, the people suck, teeniboppers have taken over....and i cant find 1 dang thing... nope, not worth my time! Oh not to mention everyone trying to sell you a phone and spray you with perfume that smells like lysol and roses..... no-fricken-thanks! lll stick with the wally world craziness, go in, get out, come home, badabing im done lol!
If I dont write again, i wish all my followers, stoppers-by, and their famz a fantabulous christmas!
O M G Is that SANTA on my roof? No no, its just my dad---trying to fix our chimney cap-- with a rope and a ladder....oh yes its all on video..... lol! ho ho ho